Founded in 2016 by producer Nathan Miller (Icarus Moth) and friends, Blanket Studios started as a band titled Blanket People, which was comprised of a group of young music producers and creatives from a variety of different genres that were seeking to expand their roles beyond just writing for the project. 
The term "Blanket" here refers to their ability to cover a wide variety of musical styles and production needs, from helping produce an electronic album to recording a metal band, to creating targeted music for sync, or helping produce a podcast. 
Joined by photographers, managers, and content strategists alike, Blanket Studios has expanded its offerings to include photo and video content, VR and 3D experiences, release strategies, PR and social media plans, and graphics and web design. 
 Blanket Studios continues to develop services for a 360°, multidimensional view of the modern artist. 
Client services have included: 
- Mixing and Mastering. 
- Full music production.
- Comprehensive multichannel marketing plans and release strategies. 
- Social Media Management
- Press releases, bios, + one sheet designs. 
- Studio photoshoots, concert photography and videography, and music video shoots and planning.
- Event planning and creative marketing strategy 
- Music video editing, effects and color. 
- Artist websites + EPKs (from scratch using VR and 3D components).
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